Maureen Furey, Simsbury, CT

Maureen Furey, Simsbury, CT
She lost over 80 lbs!

Maureen After!

Maureen After!

Guy Nuemann, Hartford, CT

Guy Nuemann, Hartford, CT
Lost 30 Lbs in 6 weeks!

Guy After!

Guy After!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

7 Reasons To Avoid The Gym!

Many of you have had an experience or two that have just made you never want to go back to your gym or health club.

Well, yesterday I was enjoying an intense full body workout at one of the gyms I regularly workout at when BOOM the power went out! Now I understand this was probably an electrical problem or something along the lines of that but I have come to realize there are just some things that will always happen at these big box gyms.

Here are my 7 Reasons To Avoid The Gym!

1.) Cardio Queens
- You know the type I am talking about. They spend the entire session at the gym on a treadmill walking, walking and walking. Usually this accompanies some type of talking with their friend who is next to them.

2.) Meat Heads - These are the same muscleheads who celebrate every Monday of the week as International Chest Day. These guys find the need to wear your young son's tank top along with sweatpants because they have yet to discover how to work their lower half.

Monday is "International Chest Day" at Your Local Gym/Health Club

3.) Sickness and Disease - How many times have you witness someone sneeze while using a piece of equipment or fail to clean up after their sweaty body. Gyms and health clubs are one of the dirtiest places you can visit.

4.) Useless Equipment - 90% of the equipment you see in these facilities is useless. Most trainers at these gyms and health clubs forget to understand the bodyweight before external resistance rule because they want to "impress" their prospect. You can get an effective working using minimal equipment like a set of dumbbells and your bodyweight.
Machines are USELESS for fat loss!

5.) Lack of Open Space - This probably happens to you every single time you visit your gym. Gym owners focus on impressing you by filling up the training floor with overpriced, oversized machines that take up all the prime real estate. All you need is space baby- space to move freely and explore your own body’s capabilities.

6.) Annoying People - This quite possibly is probably the biggest reason I avoid most all gyms. PEOPLE ARE SO FRIGGIN' ANNOYING! Your workout time is your time and your time alone. If you are like me. I don't talk to anyone and I don't like being interrupted while I'm cranking it. For most people going to the gym isn't about getting results, it's about socializing.

7.) Bad Trainers - Sorry but most trainers SUCK! They get certified by a money hungry certfication agencies with no support and program design that dates back to who knows when.

Look why would you even want to join a gym when you can see great results and create an intense atmosphere for a fraction of the cost in your own home. You don't need to put your hard earned money into a gym membership.

Our members join Farmington Valley Fitness Boot Camp because they are like-minded people who want something different. They want results and to avoid all the things that come with your typical gym/health club. See what they are all talking about

Dedicated to your fitness success,

Tyler English, NASM-PES, CPT

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