Maureen Furey, Simsbury, CT

Maureen Furey, Simsbury, CT
She lost over 80 lbs!

Maureen After!

Maureen After!

Guy Nuemann, Hartford, CT

Guy Nuemann, Hartford, CT
Lost 30 Lbs in 6 weeks!

Guy After!

Guy After!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hey everyone!

Another week has gone by and another life has been changed by Farmington Valley Fitness Boot Camp.

Meet Meghan Carrier.

Teacher. Wife. Mother of twin boys Andrew and Matt.

To say Meghan has no time would be an understatement!

Meghan for years has been an avid runner and exercise has been "her time." The Farmington Valley Fitness Boot Camp program has shown her the importance of a balance between nutrition, strength training and interval cardio.

"This program is very different than anything I have ever done. I ran about 4 times a week. I usually ran for about an hour. Despite this I was not losing weight and I was not toning up. Although I have been working out for a long time, after the first class I could barely move the next day. I knew I was using different muscles- definitely working on areas that I needed to work on. It is also easier to fit in the workouts. Running the 20 minute intervals is much easier to fit into my schedule than my hour long runs. I can't believe what a diference this class has made. I have been going to class 3 times a week, doing the intervals on the treadmill, and following the diet. Doing this has caused such rapid weight loss and it is hard to believe my clothes are already fitting differently."

The group atmosphere and ability to spend more quality time with family members (3 of Meghan's sister-in-laws are in boot camp as well!) in each session has been an added bonus to her success and made the experience a family affair.

"Well all of the things I just mentioned, and it also has been great to join with family members because we have been such a support for each other, and all of the husbands are helping us by watching the kids so we can go to class."

Meghan's favorite exercises seem to be popular among many boot camp members.

"Although I can't believe I am writing this I think spidermans and mountain climbers are my favorite because I feel they are so beneficial and so different from anything I have done in the past."

Meghan entered a "Biggest Loser" challenge at work and she won!

"So far I have lost 8 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks. All of my pants are already loose! Because of this weight loss, I won the biggest loser challenge at work because it was a 7.25% weight loss."

She is finished at 8 pounds.

"I want to lose about 5 more pounds, but after that I want to maintain and continue to "tone up." I want to continue to challenge myself by pushing myself to try the "harder versions" of the exercises and keep a steady pace through all of the sets."

Farmington Valley Fitness Boot Camp has provided Meghan with a new overall feeling of well-being.

"I feel so much better about myself. I have more energy and I feel exercising is the best stress reliever there is."

After having her twin boys Meghan's time became less and less. Through her friend Kelley Biskupiak (A Boot Camper of the Week herself!) and brother Deron, Meghan found out about Farmington Valley Fitness Boot Camp.

Since joining the program her entire family has helped make boot camp part of her life.

"My family is very supportive. My husband watches my two year old twins, Matthew and Andrew, a few times a week. This is a commitment for him as well because for the 7 o'clock class he has to put the kids to bed by himself and for the 5:30 class he rushes home from work for me to get to class. He knows how much I am enjoying this class and he is willing to help out as much as he can. The rest of my family is supportive, too. When my husband went away for a week, my mother and mother in law told me that if I needed any help for the week to let them know. I told them that the biggest help would be for them to come over to watch the kids so that I can go to class."

Even Andrew and Matt have taken a new look on mommy's exercise.

"My boys are even starting to know the program. When I am dressed in my workout clothes they ask me if I am going to work out class with Auntie Tina? (last week's Boot Camper of the Week!) They also play in my room and stay near as I do my intervals on the treadmill. "

Meghan is confident her love for health and exercise will be an important part in the lives of her twins.

"I like the fact that they are learning about exercise and will grow up knowing how important it is."

The boy's even now know what exercise Meghan is performing.

"One of my twins, Andrew, saw me doing mountain climbers one morning. He was very confused and asked me what I was doing. I told him they were mountain climbers. A week later I was doing them again and both boys were there. When his twin brother asked what I was doing, Andrew looked at him and said "Mommy is doing mountain climbers, Matt."

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