Maureen Furey, Simsbury, CT

Maureen Furey, Simsbury, CT
She lost over 80 lbs!

Maureen After!

Maureen After!

Guy Nuemann, Hartford, CT

Guy Nuemann, Hartford, CT
Lost 30 Lbs in 6 weeks!

Guy After!

Guy After!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

5 Reasons You Are Gaining Weight!

Hi friends,

So today I was speaking with a client who said she has been gaining weight in the past week. This is something that CAN happen even with an intense exercise program but it isn't the program that is causing it. Her and I spoke about numerous factors that could be causing her weight gain. She assured me that she was eating "healthy" and it was not her intake.

Then what is it?

Well ladies and you men out there listen up.

I will go as far as explaining to you 5 reasons why you are gaining weight despite your recent change in exercise.

1.) You Are NOT Eating Enough!

Lets think about this for a second. You are working out more intense then ever before in your life. Your metabolic rate has been jacked up by that killer workout you performed. Well, in order to keep your metabolism booming you need to fuel your body! It's that simple. Small meals containing lean proteins, fruits, veggies and good fats every 2-3 hours.

2.) You Are NOT Drinking Enough!

No, sorry I am not talking about adult beverages. I am simply talking about water! Your body's number one natural fat-burner (besides your lean muscle, more on that in a sec) is the water you take in. Keeping yourself well hydrated helps you avoid cravings and listen to this one loudly. The MORE water you drink, the LESS water you will retain. Ladies did you hear that? You can control that monthly excess water by increasing your water intake.

3.) You Are NOT Consuming Enough Protein!

Now there has been tons of "experts" who say you don't need all that protein. I am here to tell you that you DO need lean protein in your diet. It is the building block for lean muscle and the more lean muscle you have the more efficient at burning body fat you will become. Hey, don't you want to turn your body into a 24/7/365 fat-burning furnace? I know I do! Easy way to make sure you are taking in enough protein is to follow this equation.

Bodyweight x .8 = Target Grams of Protein Per Day (minimum .6)

4.) You ARE Eating Too Much!

Heard it before and I am sure I will hear it again. "I am eating healthy." Look eating healthy does not include a cheat meal or snack everyday. Follow the 90/10 rule. If you are compliant 90% of the time, you can enjoy yourself 10% of the time. Save this time and use it wisely.

5.) Your are NOT Changing Your Program!

Look your body is smarter then you. It will adapt and needs change. If you don't change your workout routine your body will plateau and eventually cause you to stop losing or even worse gain weight. Be sure to change your workout routine every 4 weeks.

Dedicated to your fitness success,

Tyler English, NASM-PES, CPT

P.S. If you are ready for a serious change get your 2 Week Free Trial @

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