Maureen Furey, Simsbury, CT

Maureen Furey, Simsbury, CT
She lost over 80 lbs!

Maureen After!

Maureen After!

Guy Nuemann, Hartford, CT

Guy Nuemann, Hartford, CT
Lost 30 Lbs in 6 weeks!

Guy After!

Guy After!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Our 1st "Camper of the Week"

Hi friends,

As I told you last week. Each and every week I will be selecting a boot camper who will be representative of Farmington Valley Fitness Boot Camp as the "Camper of the Week."

Well, I am proud to announce our first winner is Kelley Biskupiak. In her first week Kelley has already dropped 3 lbs and created a new lifestyle that has brought fitness back into her family's life.

Kelley, lives in Canton with her husband Brian and their three boys Charlie 5 years old, Jack 3 years old and Ben 10 months. Kelley says the biggest kid of the family is "aka the hubby Brian" :)

To say she has her hands full is an understatement!

When Kelley and I first spoke she told me how demanding having three boys can be and that her life has revolved around them. As she says,"They are super busy little men and keeping up with them takes a lot of effort!"

She has made working out at 5:30am a priority and helped her do something for herself. She is not afraid to admit why she does exercise.

"I am not going to lie... a lot of it has to do with wanting to lose this baby weight and fit back into all of my old jeans, but for me, it has also become about doing something for myself. It is a great way to relieve stress."

The new found workouts have provided Kelley and her husband Brian a chance to make exercise part of their life together.

"My husband has always made working out a priority in his life. I truly know how important it is to him to stay fit. He has an extremely demanding and stressful job and for him working out has been what keeps him centered and strong. I have come to understand how much it means to him and therefore it has become a priority for me to make sure he gets that time for himself. It has been so funny because he is starting to see how much I am enjoying this boot camp so he is even doing some of the workouts with me. It is actually fun to workout with him. We rarely get to do things together because of This is something we can do in our basement while our three boys run around and burn off their own energy."

The weekly Boot Camp sessions have already provided Kelley with a new outlook on life and a strong cast of other supportive women.

"This whole Boot Camp thing has become more than I expected. I think in many cases that when you become a parent you start down this road of scarifice and slowly over time you start to lose yourself. You lose the things that define you as a person. Over these last five years I have learned I am a better mother if I am taking care of myself and doing things that "fill me up". What I thought was just something to finally get these last 10 lbs. I have been talking about for months from my last pregnancy off my body has quickly become one of those things that "fill me up" so I can be a better mom. 5:30 is early but it really has become a social thing. I am suffering your painful workouts with a group of women I truly enjoy. There is power in numbers for sure. And those 45 minutes are all about me. I am doing something just for myself and it feels great."

So what is Kelley's favorite exercise? She is a fan of those wonderful core exercises!

"Enjoy after I am done doing it because it has given me the best results...that would be any of the ab/core moves (Mountain Climbers, Spider Man). I feel like although I have a way to go, these moves have already made a difference in the appearance of my midsection."

That is great after only one week she can already feel the difference in her midsection!

She now has a new respect for the type of exercise needed to see great results.

"I have worked out for a lot of years and I always thought you had to do a ton of cardio to lose weight. I am learning that may not necessarily be the case!

Kelley's favorite part is definately the social support provided from her fellow mother's and campers, "again I love the social aspect of the camps. It is great to know that we are all in it together!"

Kelley is not finished tackling her fitness goals and is looking to make exercise part of her everyday life.

"I would like to really lose 7 more lbs and just continue to maintain this healthy life style. Oh and there is one certain pair of jeans in my closet I am dying to fit into!!"

Well, Kelley on behalf of all your campers I would like to say thank you for being an inspiration to busy mothers everywhere!

You keep up this dedication and girl you will be wearing those jeans REAL SOON!

Great job Kelley!

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