Maureen Furey, Simsbury, CT

Maureen Furey, Simsbury, CT
She lost over 80 lbs!

Maureen After!

Maureen After!

Guy Nuemann, Hartford, CT

Guy Nuemann, Hartford, CT
Lost 30 Lbs in 6 weeks!

Guy After!

Guy After!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Caffeine: To Drink or Not To Drink?

Hi friends,

So can you drink it? Should you drink it?

Well, speaking from experience, it can become addictive. I for one would be a hypocrite if I told you that you should avoid it altogether. For the longest time I have had a caffeine addiction that at times bordered on dangerous. For the first time in quite sometime I have gained control of that addiction and for the most part limit my caffeine intake to a morning coffee. There are occasions where I do reach for a second cup or have a glass before a workout. But I can honestly tell you from experience I feel more energetic that I have cut my intake down.

I am proud to tell you that I now sleep better and have more energy in the morning. I can only attribute that to two things. The first being my lower caffeine intake and two loving what I do for a living ;)

Now understandably so, I don't have three kids running around me all day. The day that happens we will see where my caffeine addiction lies. For now, I can tell you a few things that can be of benefit to you, your daily caffeine intake, your energy levels and your fat loss success.

1. Drink a 8-12oz of water BEFORE your coffee in the morning - Your body dehydrates at night and because water is your # 1 natural fat burner, it is important to start your day off by rehydrating. Drinking a cup of coffee prior to your water intake will only dehydrate you further. For those of you that exercise before the Sun comes up this should be a no brainer. You should be having a good 16oz before you even start your workout!

2. Substitute That 2nd Cup of Coffee Later in the Day for Green Tea or Black Tea - One way to cut back on your caffeine addiction is to drink more tea. Yes, tea does include some caffeine but it has been shown in studies to help your metabolism and can provide antioxidant qualities as well.

3. Avoid Use of Any Stimulants - You have heard me say this before and I will say it again. Almost all supplement companies out there are full of BS! They spend 10% of their money on creating a product and the other 90% on marketing it as the next best thing aside from sliced bread. (which many of you shouldn't be eating currently anyway)

4. Get More Sleep Tonight - Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep a night. Proper sleeping habits will do wonders for your metabolism and your hormone levels. If your hormone levels are out of sorts you will continue to struggle with your weight.

5. Buy a TIVO! - Seriously, is it SO important to watch all those late night shows? Maybe I am just a loser because I now avoid late night TV. (Well, with the exception of 24! Gotta love Jack Bauer, but what is up with the new 9pm time slot!) All kidding aside, go to bed and watch them later! You will thank me in the morning.

Dedicated to your fitness success,

Tyler English, NASM-PES, CPT

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